Communication Problems

One of the frequently cited communication problems I hear from business leaders is the difficultly in managing employee performance or the workforce doesn’t deliver or do as they are asked. I’m told the issue is they need to change, be better listeners or be more proactive.  


In the eyes of the manager, the workforce just isn’t performing. And when I talk to whoever the employee is, no doubt there will be some issues around their differing communication styles; BUT there will also be a cry that they don’t know what is wanted, that communication is poor.   


Often assumptions are made around what they know about the tools/ problem/ client and they are left following instructions they don’t understand and are easily misconstrued. Often it is as simple as the request isn’t explained.


So, before you consider calling someone like me to help, think about how you are asking others to get things done.

an image with manage written on it


Manager Asking Questions

When managing employees we usually remember to ask for the what; sometimes we say when we want it by but all too often forget to explain why we want it in the first place.  And without the when and the why the other person is working in the dark.


For example:


Asking for what

I ask you to finish the report you are working on and you agree. You plan to finish it on Friday however I come back on Thursday expecting a finished report. I think you have failed to deliver and you think I’m unreasonable.


Asking for what and when

I ask you to finish the report you are working on by Thursday. You know it is for a meeting on Friday afternoon and on Thursday you tell me you’ve made a start but you’ve been busy so it won’t be ready until Friday morning. I think you have failed to deliver and you think I am unreasonable.


Asking for what, when, and why

I ask you to finish the report you are working on by Thursday as I have to get it approved by the CEO on Friday Morning. Now you understand the urgency and either prioritise it on Thursday or explain why you can’t so we can come up with an alternative plan. No row, no misunderstanding … just two grown-ups having a sensible discussion


Next time you think someone at work isn’t delivering, just check that you are always explaining your “Why” and not assuming that the other person will understand without being told. It could just save you my fee, and you will better be managing employee performance!


To understand your communication style and receive a free report take our communication quiz here.

This blog was written by our strategic partner Sally Hindmarch from Partners With You.


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