Competitive Strategy And Innovation

competitive strategy and innovation

You must be wondering what strategy has to do with innovation. Well, both are interlinked; innovation depends a lot on the latter. Simply put, more is needed to mark your success if you are good at innovation. Therefore, competitive strategy and innovation in business go hand in hand, and this blog will confirm this fact.

Innovation is done to maximise the value of an organisation within a fixed period. We can even state it as a commitment towards a common goal. After the wave of common interest rises, general ideas need to become definite business concepts.

If you only have innovation with no direction or structure, it leads to channelling resources aimlessly and flawed products with a loss of time and energy. It is not like all companies do not think of innovation, but they fail to present new things because of failure in the execution and strategy. Now, you have a hint of why competitive design and innovation go together! Learning Leadership Through Sport And Business Is The Best Way

To get a better hold if it lets us dig a little deeper!

Despite all the investments required with time and funds, companies still need help and remain frustrated regarding innovation. Efforts being put in for the improvement of creation are all a waste without an innovation strategy.

The problem and reason behind the capacity and success of an organisation’s innovations stem from its innovation systems. Other things that confirm success are measures that a company takes for novel problems and their independent processes. It also includes the ideas that are synthesised into concepts and the funds that the company approves for the same.

If some company is trying and copying a successful company’s business model and thinks it will succeed, then such an idea is foolish. Because all companies are different, taking on the base to the complexes, everything in companies is different.  

How to Strategise?

How to Strategise

The companies who have tried doing something out of the box and have failed to do so have a long list. Sometimes it can be because of a missed opportunity. Opportunities can have many faces. It can mean a shift to a reactive mode rather than the proactive mode or financial loss.

Failing is not always a bad idea because sometimes failing may give you the best lessons you need to succeed. Once you fail, you become sure of things that do not work. Experimentation is a business trait that all companies should have for an innovative attitude. Deliberately having the psyche of innovation increases a person’s chances for success.

What are the benefits of an innovation strategy:

  • Long-term success- If you read or hear about the success stories of companies, then you will know that even the best ideas are rejected at first before getting the success they deserve. Great ideas also take time to grow and may get immediate buy-in from stakeholders or managerial-level people who agree with you.

benefits of an innovation strategy


  • Integration of processes and efforts- Individual ideas have no value per se. If employees have different constructs, a final concept is vital to be drawn out of it. If there is no strategy, then all efforts can go in vain.
  • Prepare for different scenarios- If you have an innovation strategy, it is easy for you to change your company on the go. Moreover, you can easily measure the difference between your target and the result. Finding ways of narrowing the difference also becomes easy. 
  • Further growth- If a company is working day in and day out for their innovation strategy, then they will not be able to spare time for admiring the already achieved success. Instead, they will work hard to grow more instead of becoming stagnant.
  • Priorities and goals are set- Once a roadmap is made, it is easy to revolve your plans around it. This also ensures that all the bigger or smaller departments are aware of what they are working for and synergizing.

What is an innovation strategy?

What is an innovation strategy

There can’t be any innovation strategies that are the same. The categories and methods of preparing innovation for different companies are varied. Instead of getting into too much detail, we will get a general idea of competitive strategy and innovation in business.

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The three pillars of their theory are:

three pillars of theory

  • Strategy is “making specific choices and consciously deciding on a set of activities different from those of competitors to provide unique value to customers.” So basically, you prepare a blueprint and look at your options of the things you must do and the ones you must avoid. So you take these things and try to build the business around them.
  • Refrain from building on the idea that a perfect strategy exists. So before and after you formulate a strategy, be mentally prepared that you may have to make some changes, so do not build a rigid plan. Instead of thinking of a perfect one, think about getting a successful one; think about the future and where you see your business in some time. Instead of thinking you will be successful, try working on increasing the chances of becoming successful.
  • A successful strategy will take creativity and rigour to work. Your approach should be based on finding and having a touch of creativity. Try making a hypothesis first and then testing it.

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How can ActionCOACH help you understand competitive strategy and innovation in your business?

ActionCOACH can help you identify opportunities for growth and success through strategic planning, mentoring, and coaching. By understanding the competitive landscape of your business, ActionCOACH can help you develop a comprehensive strategy to differentiate yourself in the market and maximize profitability. With their expertise in innovation, they can assist you in developing new products or services that will set your business apart from the competition. Finally, ActionCOACH provides support for ongoing innovation initiatives, ensuring that your organisation remains agile and responsive to changes in the market. With their guidance, you can ensure that you are on the cutting edge of competitive strategy and innovation within your industry

Additionally, ActionCOACH offers customised business solutions to suit the individual needs of your organisation. With their team of experts, they can provide you with tailored advice on how to implement new strategies and innovations into your business successfully. Through strategic planning and implementation, ActionCOACH helps you maximize profitability while ensuring that your business remains competitive in the ever-changing market

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