ActionCOACH Client Satisfaction Survey 2021
Overall Headlines: 98% of clients would recommend ActionCOACH to a friend or business associate 94% of clients agree that ActionCOACH has a powerful suit of business solutions 97% of clients said their Action Coach makes a positive difference to their lives 95% of clients said ActionCOACH is worth the investment 85% of clients agreed they…

Fully Funded Recruitment Service for Business Owners
‘Fully funded recruitment service for business owners’ is the scheme which started July 2021, is government-funded and there are huge plans to support many thousands back into work over the next five years. For businesses: It’s a fully funded recruitment service offering expert advice and support for employers. SME Business owners are connected with a local recruitment consultant, who will support you in finding the right individual for your job. There are also sector account managers working with bigger businesses…

How to Complete a Social Media Audit
Provides step- by-step instructions on exactly how to complete a social media audit and get you familiar with everything social media including establishing your audience, setting goals and analysing your competitors digital presence.

How to Build your Dream Team
PDF download. How to build a strong and successful team from the ground up. Attract passionate, productive, profitable people to your business team to bring about success.

Work Fewer Hours, Increase your Productivity!
PDF Download. Our complete guide to working fewer hours whilst still increasing your productivity.

11 Ways to Double your Customer Base in 4 Weeks
PDF Download. 11 Ways to Double your Customer Base in 4 weeks. Including advice on different types of advertising, securing worthwhile referrals, marketing and lead conversion.

Cybersecurity Videos – Francis West WESTTEK
ActionCOACH West Herts has been working with Francis West at WESTTEK Solutions Ltd, an expert in cybersecurity and IT solutions. Download his range of very useful videos including how to protect yourself from cyber attacks, how to easily spot a dodgy email and how to best protect your passwords.

Working from Home Securely – Francis West WESTTEK
ActionCOACH West Herts has been working with Francis West at WESTTEK Solutions Ltd, an expert in cybersecurity and IT solutions. Download his full list of advice to ensure you work from home securely.

Job Support Scheme (JSS) Guidance – November 2020
Here you can download the most up to date guidance on the Job Support Scheme (JSS). The government recently announced that there will be a further national lockdown. This is a very uncertain time for businesses and their employees, should you need any advice get in contact with us.

ActionCOACH West Herts 2020 Client Satisfaction Report
The 2020 ActionCOACH Client Satisfaction results are in! ActionCOACH received a world class score of 78 for client advocacy. This score surpasses big name brands such as Apple Music, Costco and AirBnB. Alongside this 97% of clients said they would recommend ActionCOACH to a friend or business associate. Download the full report to see more.