Digital Marketing Strategy As An Integrated Approach To Online Marketing

digital marketing strategy an integrated approach to online marketing

You might be wrong if you think online marketing and integrated marketing are the same. On the contrary, integrated marketing is a twisted form of an online market that can maximise the potential and impact of marketing.

Integrated marketing means trying different routes in terms of marketing to reach your goals. Get your advertising done in varied forms so that if one fails, the other can achieve the desired goal.

The intensity and pace of marketing and advertising have gone high. It is because all the brands are fighting the same battle to reach the top. As a result, marketing has become multifaceted and has seeped into many channels contrary to expectations.

With the demand for innovation in marketing, the methods of doing it have also grown. As a result, creating a unique brand strategy and getting it up and running has become necessary for digital marketers.

Only then more leads and sales will come to the marketer. So, like the algorithm of a search engine keeps changing, so should our strategies.

Why Do You Need An Integrated Approach For Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

Digital Marketing Strategy

We do integrated marketing in a cohesive approach for maximising your potential and building a robust online presence in digital marketing. Things that we cover in integrated marketing are:

The advantage of integrated digital marketing is that if one strategy is to fail, then the other may have the same effect. Moreover, if one strategy works, it may have a different impact, so you can combine another method to have the desired results. 5 Ways of Building a Business in a Time of Recession

For now, integrated marketing is the status quo, not as if it will die after a while. 

How Is An Integrated Approach To Online Marketing?

1. Define Your Goals And Objectives Clearly

Define Your Goals And Objectives

You can channel all your strategies together and create the desired impact by developing a cohesive response. But this is only possible if you have a goal set. If you aimlessly keep putting in the effort, you can’t lock your success.

When the target is set, you can begin channelling all your sources to it. Try to customise your content according to the platform to perform best on that particular platform. For instance, if your goal is to increase your revenue, work on SEO, PPC, and content marketing.

If you want more people to visit your website and increase your traffic, then ask yourself how many opportunities you are extending for people to reach out to you. The more reachable you are through different platforms, the more google will crawl you, increasing your ranking.  

If a strategy cannot give you any definite answer through which you cannot see where you will reach, then you won’t need that strategy. This is the reason that your goals should be defined.

2. Voice Your Brand With Constant Effort

Voice Your Brand With Constant Effort

If you want to build a brand, then consistency is a must. The motto of your brand should be adequately defined, and the marketing should go on simultaneously on all the platforms with the same message.

If you spread the same message through social media, SEO, email marketing, etc., it will have more potential to make your brand work. The reason behind this kind of strategy is the same as advertising.

The advertisers’ strategy is to play on the psychology of the people. When a similar message is given time and again to an audience, the impact changes in simple words, the conversion rate increases.

Let us understand it with an example, say you have put an item in your online shopping cart, but you are still determining whether you want to buy it. If you notice, you will start getting ads for that product in all the social media apps you use. If you are browsing Facebook, ads of that or similar products of that brand will pop up; if you use Instagram, ads regarding it will pop up. 

The strategy of the constant reminder of the product will build a feeling in your mind that you really need that product. This is the power of advertising and marketing. All you have to do is harness this marketing power in the right direction with the right strategy.

You need to use similar language and expression on all the platforms so that the audience is constantly reminded of your brand. When the message becomes so redundant, your potential customers start recognising you. They will start recognising the brand even without the name. That is the importance of building a brand.

But it would help if you remembered that differences like psychology and age gap can require different strategies. So if you are planning to hit a diverse audience, then prepare strategies according to them.

Even when you are targeting multiple audiences, you need to define a group as your primary demographic audience with which you will engage most by interacting with them. They will become the foundation of your business as loyal customers. Another crucial thing is that the more chances you give people to become your potential customers, the more will be your conversion rate. Now all you have to do is find the answer to this question of how you will increase your chances.

3. Keep track of How You Are Doing

Keep track of How You Are Doing.

Online marketing strategies take their time, so you do not need to be disheartened because some work and others don’t. It is as simple as that. The reason is that there is no definitive answer to the perfect strategy because each company’s needs and business model are different.

But what you can do to see if your efforts are going in the right direction is to keep track of your progress. Every small step you take forward brings you nearer to success. Even if there is an increase in one customer, you should be happy with it. And if a strategy shows no progress, you can know where you are wasting your money.

Please take a look at our most recent blog: 5 Ways of Building a Business in a Time of Recession

How can ActionCOACH help you prepare a digital marketing strategy with an integrated approach?

Integrated marketing is the best thing you can do to increase your brand’s reach and get customers. But the strategy you need to prepare has to be tailored, and we are experts in helping you make them. So contact us today and get your business soaring high.

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